Hamro Foundation Essex League News pages

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19 Jul 2024
T20 Champions, Hot Weather

T20 Champions Congratulations to Hornchurch CC who defeated Chelmsford in the final our Dukes T20 Cup on Sunday. They will go on to represent the league in the nationa T20l competition that starts in early August. Hot Weather, Drinks and Shade ... [ Read more ]

14 Jul 2024
Congratulations to Hornchurch on Their Dukes Essex Twenty20 Cup Title

2024 Dukes Essex Twenty20 Cup champions! <!--Body Table-------> <!--[if mso><![endif]--> <!--Logo-------> ... [ Read more ]

05 Jul 2024
Matches Tomorrow

Hi all, Been a very busy week - it has been so glad to see that clubs have been talking to each other about revised start times tomorrow. We have had over 50 matches that have decided to change their timings - well over half - so we are happy to ... [ Read more ]

01 Jul 2024
Flexibility in Start Times for Football this Saturday

  Hi all, I have already had many emails from clubs requesting if there can be flexibility in the start times of matches this Saturday because of the England football team’s quarter-final kicking off at 5pm. As we have done in the past when ther... [ Read more ]

28 Jun 2024
Sir Jack Petchey CBE Passes Away - Plus League Update

Sir Jack Petchey CBE Passes Away The league was very sad to hear of the passing of Sir Jack Petchey CBE - we know how much support many of our clubs have received from his foundation over the years. We suggest the clubs inform all their members,... [ Read more ]

20 Jun 2024
Girls Cricket 2025 Season ECB Requirement

Morning all, We have been asked by the ECB to send this to all clubs: “For the 2025 season, clubs who play in the 1st XI Premier Division and 1st XI Division 1 will be required to have at least one active girls team at the club within that seas... [ Read more ]

15 Jun 2024
Rain affected games on 15th June

Copied to your club's Captains and League Delegate. Dear ##firstname##, We are aware that most games today have been interrupted by rain and that accordingly the bonus points will need to be adjusted on Play Cricket. Instead of all 51 clubs contacti... [ Read more ]

14 Jun 2024
Time Matches Start Tomorrow

 Afternoon all, Time matches start from tomorrow Saturday 15th June.  Please make sure captains are aware of the regulations - these can be found at this link. https://www.essexcricket.com/pages/page_34628/Rules-and-Regulations.aspx In partic... [ Read more ]

25 May 2024
Sponsor message from Free Trade Beers and Minerals Ltd

Sponsor message from Free Trade Beers and Minerals Ltd   It was a pleasure to attend your meeting on Sunday 21 April representing Free Trade Beers and Minerals Ltd, one of your sponsors.   To find out more about what we can offer you and your clubs ... [ Read more ]

18 May 2024
Duckworth Lewis Stern Instructions For 1st XI & 2nd XI Games

Please note that the version of DLS that we will be using in 1st & 2nd XI overs games is the Duckworth Lewis Stern Professional 2022 (Version 5).Instructions for using DLS in 1st & 2nd XI limited overs games can be downloaded here: https://images.sec... [ Read more ]