Copied to all League Delegates and 1st XI Captains.
Ahead of the 2024 season we have collated all the information from the ECB and updated our Overseas Players information page: .
Attached is the standard ECB reply to
all questions about overseas players. It includes a very handy
registration flow chart that you should use when registering all
players, not just overseas ones.
Additionally we are also attaching the latest amateur vs professional designation and Visa overview charts (Note, these attachments will display as download links at the foot of this news item).
However, we do note that the ECB and
Home Office are liable to make changes between now and the season
starts. So we would always recommend bookmarking the ECB's overseas
players information page:
Attachments : Standard-Reply-to-Immigration-Registration-Queries-NFC-August-23-2023-.pdf, Overseas-Players-Amateur-v-Professional-February-2022.pdf, Visa-Overview-from-23-August-2023.pdf