League Cup Starts Tomorrow
League Cup Round 1 matches are scheduled for tomorrow.
Reminder of the following
Try to get the game played, it can be moved to opposition ground and also played on a suitable 3rd/4th XI ground if required. Please let umpires know of any changes.
Balls - Each club should provide 2 balls for each game. The Winners of the match then take the two balls not used for the next round.
Scorers - clubs are expected to provide a scorer, rules state that teams should have to play with 10 players if there is no scorer.
Full Rules can Be Downloaded here https://images.secure-club.com/clubs/4852/docs/Rules%20and%20Regulations/2024/03%20-%20Dukes%20League%20Cup%20Regulations.docx
Whites should be worn, 45 overs, inner circle required.
Please upload the result onto Play Cricket promptly so that all clubs know who they need to play next week.
Sad News
Last week Goresbrook CC lost a club legend in Paul ‘Bev’ Atkins.
In light of this members of Goresbrook CC are attempting to raise funds to go towards funeral/wake costs.
If you or your club are able to donate please do so at this link https://www.gofundme.com/f/run-for-paul-bev-atkins?utm_campaign=p_lico+share-sheet&utm_medium=copy_link&utm_source=customer