Hamro Foundation Essex League News story

Final Reminder - Autumn Meeting this Sunday

04 Oct 2024

Resending the below out ahead of Sunday's meeting

Please remember to bring trophies from last year if your club has them. All clubs must attend and be ready to get involved in the discussions. 


HFEL Autumn Meeting Agenda 

Sunday October 6th - 9.30am for 10am start

Venue - Essex County Cricket Ground, Chelmsford CM2 0PG


9.30am - Trophy return tea and coffee - all clubs with league trophies must return them at the meeting ahead of the league dinner

10am This will then be followed by discussion points - the discussions will form potential AGM proposals 

Discussion points include

  1. Rule changes with draft committee proposals 

  • Member Clubs

  • Umpires at lower XIs

  • Slow over penalties

  • Ground Standards Matrix

  1. Other League Rules

  • Teas

  • Time Games

  • Balls and coloured clothing

  • Rule 15

  1. AOB

All Member clubs must attend (Full and Associate)

Please see supporting documents (attached as PDFs or links below)

Ground Standards Matrix https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/127-UIA8_huiZUvEH3KyXsFubMHzjGw5ioXGh_tFm-sU/edit?usp=sharing

Draft committee proposals 


If you would like to add anything for discussion - ask any questions or give comments then please do get in touch over email.

Thomas Clarke

HFEL Chairman
