Now we are moving into the post-season period, the Essex Association of Cricket Officials (ACO) is already making a big push for next season and trying to recruit new officials (both umpires and scorers).
The Essex ACO We fully appreciate that the shortage of officials (umpires and scorers) is just one of the many headaches facing clubs.
In Essex, the District ACO Boards each have are running evening meetings/sessions, during the Autumn/Winter period, for both existing officials but also for those interested in taking up either umpiring and/or scoring.
Sessions will be running again this year, from October through to December and then January to March.
Furthermore, the ECB is developing a new introductory umpiring course (the ECB Umpiring Course) and this will be delivered in early 2024.
Therefore, the Essex District ACO sessions can also be considered as a prelude to the official ECB course.
In addition, in Essex we will be running a number of courses for Scorers.
If you are interesting in learning more about becoming a trained umpire or scorer then simply email . To start a new chapter in your cricketing career.