Hamro Foundation Essex League News story

Fixture Update - Delayed

02 Feb 2022

Good Morning all,

A slightly frustrated email to send on a Wednesday morning.

I had hoped that the league would have been able to send out fixtures to all clubs to check at the end of last week.

However due to some lack of communication from some clubs who failed to check divisions or send the league specific requirements the fixtures are having to be worked on again.

You can view provisional fixtures on the website here https://www.essexcricket.com/pages/page_37417/2022-fixtures-check.aspx

And also download some documents, grids of league tables and a handy table showing what we have down as the pairings for each XI. (also see attached)

If for any reason there is something wrong on these sheets, or you do have a fixture requirement (such as sharing a ground with an XI from a different club) then please reply to me immediately.

I hope to have more updates for you soon.


Tom Clarke

HFEL Chairman

